Benefits of Art Therapy
art-Alchemy's Art Therapy Services are ideal for you...
If you are someone who wants to explore or seek help through Art Therapy; whether voluntarily, as a private consumer, or through referral by community support teams, my Art Therapy service can bring clarity and serenity to individuals’ lives, reducing anxiety and depression by promoting self-esteem and helping to promote decision-making. These two symptoms alone are often found in association with change of life experiences, such as puberty, chronic illness, post-traumatic stress disorders and trauma generally, dementia and mortality.
Art Therapy is an established and well recognised form of psychotherapy endorsed in Australia for example, by Australia and New Zealand Art Therapy Association (ANZATA) who have an annual professional publication Australia and New Zealand Journal of Art Therapy (ANZJAT).
A photograph of hand made lead slippers is the art-Alchemy logo. It correlates making art and the footprints the client has left to get to a point where this experience is going to enrich their lives, bringing about an authenticity and autonomy.