About Art Therapy
As a professional Art Therapist, I am trained and qualified as a psychotherapist, majoring in Art Therapy from University Queensland (UQ), Masters Mental Health- Art Therapy (MMH-AT). This enables me to provide art therapy to children, adolescents, adults and the aged community. Whilst training I worked extensively with aged care, children in emotional crisis, mothers with mental illness and children with parents who have a mental illness. I have a strong interest in aged care where the up-coming generation of aged people will be expecting to receive this level of creative and therapeutic interventions rather than purely medical responses to age-related deterioration and disabilities.
Presentations can be organised to your organisation or group that include evidence-based material on the effectiveness of Art Therapy.
These presentations of art-Alchemy’s art therapy service will be designed to target your organisation’s specific problem, with integration of scientific evidence based research and practical intervention proposal for how art therapy can provide an alternative positive solution and effective therapy tailored to meet your clients' needs.
Private consultations
This service is offered to individuals and groups to help them come to terms with emotional issues that surface from time to time with varying degrees of intensity.
Transitioning Loss
...Experienced Through the Ageing Process
As we are born so we will die. The journey from one to the other is a Pandora’s box of transitioning loss experiences, some navigated with a degree of ease and excitement while others require clarity and professional assistance to enjoy or simply accept the new learning that might follow.
art-Alchemy’s focuses on ageing related depression, which is a symptom of most age-related diseases. Left and Right brain stimulus is a key to the processes used within this intervention. This expands the physical experiences of the individual so they can integrate the stimulus into everyday life, such as decision-making, and enthusiasm.
...Children Transitioning Schools
Children’s happiness at school influences their capacity to engage in school activities and hence scholastic outcomes. By braking down children’s preconceptions of 'otherness', barriers may be disassembled to help improve peer support. This encourages increased likelihood of school attendance, leading to increased academic achievements and potential. Children transitioning schools are faced with the loss of their friends and ruptures to the networks that were familiar. This is exasperated where geographic relocation has taken place, where there is the added loss of familiarity of their home, personal space. and loss of social networks and familiarity within the neighborhood they have left behind.